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Kempegowda Intl Airport (VOBL)

Airport Weather & NOTAM's

METAR for:VOBL (Bangaluru Intl, KA, IN)
Text:VOBL 270530Z 28020KT 8000 FEW010 SCT012 BKN080 25/18 Q1011 NOSIG
Conditions at:0530 UTC 27 Jul 2024
Temperature: 25.0°C ( 77°F)
Dewpoint: 18.0°C ( 64°F) [RH = 65%]
Pressure (altimeter):29.85 inches Hg (1011.0 mb)
Winds:from the W (280 degrees) at 23 MPH (20 knots; 10.3 m/s)
Visibility:5 sm (8 km)
Ceiling:8000 feet AGL
Clouds:few clouds at 1000 feet AGL, scattered clouds at 1200 feet AGL, broken clouds at 8000 feet AGL
TAF for:VOBL (Bangaluru Intl, KA, IN) issued at 0500 UTC 27 Jul 2024
Text:TAF VOBL 270500Z 2706/2812 27010KT 6000 SCT010 SCT012 BKN080
Forecast period:0600 UTC 27 July 2024 to 1200 UTC 28 July 2024
Forecast type:FROM: standard forecast or significant change
Winds:from the W (270 degrees) at 12 MPH (10 knots; 5.1 m/s)
Visibility:4 sm (6 km)
Ceiling:8000 feet AGL
Clouds:scattered clouds at 1000 feet AGL, scattered clouds at 1200 feet AGL, broken clouds at 8000 feet AGL
Text:TEMPO 2709/2715 3000 RA DZ SCT008 SCT012 OVC080
Forecast period:0900 to 1500 UTC 27 July 2024
Forecast type:TEMPORARY: The following changes expected for less than half the time period
Visibility:1.86 sm (2.99 km)
Ceiling:8000 feet AGL
Clouds:scattered clouds at 800 feet AGL, scattered clouds at 1200 feet AGL, overcast cloud deck at 8000 feet AGL
Weather:RA DZ (moderate rain, moderate drizzle)
Text:TEMPO 2800/2803 5000 DZ BR BKN008 SCT012 BKN080
Forecast period:0000 to 0300 UTC 28 July 2024
Forecast type:TEMPORARY: The following changes expected for less than half the time period
Visibility:3 sm (5 km)
Ceiling:800 feet AGL
Clouds:broken clouds at 800 feet AGL, scattered clouds at 1200 feet AGL, broken clouds at 8000 feet AGL
Weather:DZ BR (moderate drizzle, mist)
Text:TEMPO 2809/2812 3000 RA DZ SCT008 SCT012 BKN080
Forecast period:0900 to 1200 UTC 28 July 2024
Forecast type:TEMPORARY: The following changes expected for less than half the time period
Visibility:1.86 sm (2.99 km)
Ceiling:8000 feet AGL
Clouds:scattered clouds at 800 feet AGL, scattered clouds at 1200 feet AGL, broken clouds at 8000 feet AGL
Weather:RA DZ (moderate rain, moderate drizzle)

Live Departures & Arrivals

There are currently no arrivals or departures for this airport.

Departures History (last 12 months)

No departure history to display.

Arrivals History (last 12 months)

Flight No. Origin Aircraft Date
SIC1015 VCBI FenixA320... 2024-02-08 19:32:28
SIC0265 VOCI PMDG 737-8... 2023-08-15 14:30:59
SIC0128 VOCI PMDG 737-8... 2023-08-15 14:26:15

Runway Information (Airport elevation: 2,964ft)

Runway 09L Length 13,113ft Width 146ft Elevation 2,964ft Surface Asphalt Heading 90
Runway 27R Length 13,113ft Width 146ft Elevation 2,964ft Surface Asphalt Heading 270

Airport Frequencies

Type CTR Frequency 119.450 Mhz
Type CTR Frequency 126.325 Mhz
Type APP/DEP Frequency 121.250 Mhz
Type APP/DEP Frequency 125.275 Mhz
Type APP/DEP Frequency 127.750 Mhz
Type ATIS Frequency 128.675 Mhz
Type Clearance Frequency 121.775 Mhz
Type Clearance Frequency 121.825 Mhz
Type Ground Frequency 121.650 Mhz
Type Ground Frequency 121.775 Mhz
Type Tower Frequency 119.050 Mhz
Type Tower Frequency 123.675 Mhz
Type Tower Frequency 124.350 Mhz
Type APP/DEP Frequency 121.250 Mhz
Type APP/DEP Frequency 127.750 Mhz

Airport Navaids

No navaids to display.